Better fracs. Better wells. Better returns.

Get the physics right. Genuinely integrated hydraulic fracture and reservoir simulation.

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The industry’s only fully coupled hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulator

Fully integrated simulator

Multiphase flow, 3D fracture mechanics, proppant transport, poroelastic stresses, wellbore dynamics, and thermal effects. Mesh cracks as cracks.

Solve cutting-edge problems

Synthesize complex field-scale datasets to make practical decisions. Mitigate parent/child impacts, triple recovery factor with EOR, and design geothermal systems.

Proven impact on capital efficiency

Impacted 35+ operators by optimizing well spacing, cluster spacing, stage length, perforation design, fluid and proppant loading, and more.

Set-up for success

Industry-leading user-interface and cloud-based tools. Detailed documentation and training. Close collaboration with ResFrac’s expert team.

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Test designs in a virtual environment before implementing them in the field

Integrate with your existing workflows

Physics-based simulation is synergistic with data analytics and field data collection. Synthesize field data and accelerate the process of continuous improvement.

Two modes of engagement
We offer direct software licensing, turnkey consulting services, or a mix of both. Solutions fit for any size company - from small independents to supermajors to national oil companies.
Collaboration and experience
We have worked with more than 30 companies in nearly every major shale plan in North America and coauthored 15 papers and case studies.
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In our collaborative industry studies, we work together with operators to solve the industry’s toughest problems.
In a Utica project, we applied learnings from our DFIT industry study to identify issues with the potential to cause suboptimal well spacing and 30%+ reduction in NPV.
ResFrac is the first and only single-platform for physics-based modelling of reservoir development throughout the entire lifecycle including stimulation, production, frac-hits, artificial lift changes and EOR. This gives our technical staff and company a definite competitive advantage. Chris Cheatwood, CTO of Pioneer Natural Resources

Engineers and executives both love ResFrac

Engineers and geoscientists

ResFrac’s modeling solution couples hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulation, enabling you to simulate the full well life cycle in a single continuous simulation. Detailed, transparent technical documentation. Modern UI with built-in help content and wizards. Extensive training and user-support.

Senior leaders

Under pressure to maximize free cash flow? We help your team unlock value by iterating to the best design faster. Under pressure to increase reserves? We help mitigate parent/child problems, design enhanced oil recovery to multiply reserves, and develop cutting edge technologies.

Recent content from the ResFrac blog

Digesting the Bonkers, Incredible, Off-the-Charts, Spectacular Results from the Fervo and FORGE Enhanced Geothermal Projects

I’m out of superlatives – I used them all up in the title. But seriously – Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) projects have had a really, really good summer. In this article, I summarize the results that have been recently presented by Fervo and FORGE. At their annual Tech Day and in a white paper posted this week (Norbeck et al., 2024), Fervo Energy provided their first update on Project Cape, a Utah project where they are developing 400 MWe of new production over the next two years. So far, fourteen wells have been drilled, and three of them have been stimulated.

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What ‘company culture’ means to us

We recently held our annual company retreat. This is an important event because we are a fully remote company, and it gives us the chance to get together in-person and spend quality time. This year, we did the retreat in Houston, following URTeC and our annual symposium. We visited Space Center Houston, went to an Astros game, and ate BBQ and Tex-Mex. As a Houston native, I picked some of my favorite things to do in town! We also held a meeting on ‘company culture.’ I asked the group – how do you perceive our company culture? What do we do well, and what could we do better? Here are the highlights.

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Capital discipline enabled by industry leading technology
